Ravi in the Community.

Why Politics?

I am an immigrant and to be included in my community I needed to be involved. Joining local politics was my way to get involved and give back to Oak Park. I was convinced that I could leverage my global business experience, cultural exposure and leadership capabilities to help Oak Park through the pandemic and its aftermath.

Ravi’s journey through Oak Park starting 2006

Why Oak Park Trustee?

To understand community concerns and create policy and budgetary priorities that address these concerns while also shaping the long term vision for Oak Park. Oak Park, a western suburb of Chicago with a population of 55,000 and $200 million in budget. A community known for the legacies of its famous and impactful residents like Frank Lloyd Wright, Ernest Hemingway, Percy Julian, Betty White, to mention a few. A community representative of the broader American socio-economic landscape.

Supporting the local small business economy

I believe in label free politics that prioritizes thoughtful, fact based policies to address local issues. Policies that contribute to an inspiring shared vision for our community.

Key accomplishments as an Oak Park Village Trustee (2021 to present)

  • Commissioned the comprehensive Berry Dunn community safety study, creating a blueprint and prioritized its execution for a safer Oak Park.

  • Successfully advocated for a 0% tax levy increase in 2022/23, contributing to our long-term affordability.

  • Championed local climate action with the creation of the award-winning Climate Ready Oak Park Plan.

  • Successfully opposed spending over $100 million on demolishing and rebuilding Village Hall, despite strong opposition.

  • In the absence of a Village-level economic vitality plan, created Takeout 25 to support and sustain a thriving and resilient local economy.

  • Led the effort to invest local American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds toward building a resilient future. e.g. Tourism, Public infrastructure, Impactful local nonprofits focused on addressing food insecurity and homelessness.